According to statistics, homeschooling in the United States has increased 74% in the last eight years.
Why? We do not believe that it is because of a lack of faith in our public school systems as much as it is a growing desire to see MORE education and more focus on real issues that will eventually effect the home.
We have toured this country for many years teaching and presenting in thousands of schools and have addressed not only hundreds of thousands of school students but their very concerned parents. Disaster preparedness is always an issue that raises more questions than it provides answers. How do I teach it to my children without frightening them? How do I deal with the tough issues after a disaster? Do I allow my kids to see the news of current disasters? How do I involve them in our planning?
We have found that the world of disaster preparedness is a wide world of educational opportunity filled with science, history, social science, mathematics and literature. It is through this new blog that we intend to provide those tips, stories and insights that we have shared as we toured. Stay tuned here for programs, guides and curriculum additions as well.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Disaster Response Team

Over the years, many of our Disaster Response Team members have come from the homeschool circles. Perhaps it is because those circles have SAH family members, perhaps it is because of the way we have incorporated children into our efforts. Either way, we want to encourage you to consider becoming involved in the C4LDRT.

We remember well the assistance we received from young people during the Eldora, Iowa deployment, and we are looking at historic severe weather already this year throughout the United States and could use more of you...

Over the course of the years, Chasing4Life’s Disaster Response Team has grown, shrunk, and then grown again in numbers. We have sought for a DRT Coordinator for some time that would take over the responsibilities of coordination, direction and organization of the C4LDRT for some time and we are excited to announce that we have secured a new C4LDRT Lead Coordinator.

This team is a team of volunteers that possess the skills and passion needed to respond to disaster situations and scenes throughout the country with little to no notice. Because the team is volunteer, we know that not everyone can respond every time, and we also know that skill-sets differ and thus make some more instrumental at one scene while not as much at another.

Because of all this, we are looking to connect with new volunteers and looking to reconnect with those that, over the years, have slipped into another world or have not contacted us in a while.

Everyone has a gift, and it is this truth that we stand on as we re-build the C4LDRT. If you are interested in joining this effort, please visit the link below.

Joining the team will require online classes, trainings, assembling your response gear, and assisting us in recruiting new members as well as supporters. It is our goal to rebuild the team so that it resembles the original with Regional Coordinators and area teams.

Skills and interests we are looking for include, but are not limited to: severe weather tracking, debris removal, counseling, heavy equipment operation, construction, search & rescue, medical, fire, communications, hazmat, education and more.

Again, if you are interested, visit the link below and contact us. You will receive a listing of requirements, a description of operational procedures and protocols, and will be contacted directly by our new coordinator.

If you are interested in simply becoming a supporter or a sponsor of this newly revived team, please use our website to contact us directly.

With all that said, we want to thank those members that have been with us through the years; the lives saved and the lives changed are numerous, and it has been all because of you...

Access the new web page at