One thing I know for sure is that trudging through 4 foot snow drifts for days on end has me running out of energy. I spent HOURS shoveling and ran out of energy again! Last night, I was too tired to eat.
Energy is in the news all the time, we say that we want to save energy and so we turn off a light, we even say we have run out of energy physically, but do we really know what energy is? It is a hard concept to teach, especially to the younger ones. My sons understand a little about energy, but no matter how much we talk of recycling and saving energy, do they really get the science of it?
I found a great site to help you talk and teach about energy. The great thing is, YOU will save energy by using this site because it is interactive and you really let the kids just "go at it"!
To find the site, simply CLICK HERE